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Nikhil and Nikita Indian Wedding CLE

Writer's picture: Vitaliy PysmennyyVitaliy Pysmennyy

Updated: Apr 28, 2022

Full of colorful emotions and unparalleled energy this Hindu wedding was truly fun to capture. What fascinates me the most in working with Indian couples in Cleveland is that they are truly genuine people that embrace people for who they are: ordinary people. This is another looooooooooong wedding album so feel free to just scroll over parts you don't quite want to see.

indian bride and groom at decorated reception venue
Sangeet is the first part of Indian Wedding celebration or Music Night

wedding decorations in Moroccan style
Taking place at Landerhaven this night featured it's own Moroccan themed decor.

grooms photo he's wearing traditional Indian outfit
Looking super sharp there my friend, Nikhil is one good looking man. Smart too, he's like an IT guru.

Full body portrait of Indian groom
A nice paring to the prior shot is a more relaxed Nikhil.

Indian girl is adjusting jewelry accessories
And the girl whose heart was stolen by the guy in prior pics. Beautiful Nikita

Indian girl adjusting her hairpiece and her back shot
A few final touches before we all come together.

Indian groom holds his bride to be with a vivid reflection and skyline in the background
Ah there, we are all together. This shot is from the rooftop of Ernst Young building in downtown CLE

groom holds brides hand as she steps away, they both wear Indian outfits
It's not coincidental that their names are so similar, it was all meant to be in this universe of balance.

Indian couple by a Porsche
Ok so Nikhil wanted to drive a Porsche on the day of the wedding, come on, men still need their toys.

group shots at Indian wedding celebration
We always capture traditional family images, it's a must have at Indian weddings (or else dad will be very disappointed) :))

full body shot of Indian couple on a couch at the decorated hall
And of course the reason for the celebration, these two good looking people.

Speeches at Indian wedding, everyone is laughing
These little precious shots make memories. After all it's not every day that you get to be roasted by your best buddies.

Multiple shots of Indian wedding reception dances
Dances create special kind of atmosphere. Everyone rehearsed so much for these.

Indian couple under a tree wearing red themed outfits he kisses her hand
Now that we got like literally no rest at all, It's back to getting these two married on Day 2 of the wedding. It starts with what's called a Baraat or groom and his family traveling to the ceremony site.

bride and groom looking at each other laughing under a tree
And a little more connected version of our love birds.

a close-up of Indian bride in red
Now that we are done with introduction, let's get into details: this girl!!!

Detail shots of saree and bride's jewelry
These detail shots are just breathtaking. That perfect cut on the right is just amazing.

Bridal party wearing traditional saree outfits
And of course the crew. Love the colors for this day.

individual close-ups of all bridesmaids with bride
The girl in the middle is Puja, she's bride's older sister. Yeah, Nikita is one of those "I'm getting married first" rebels. But seriously, they love and respect each other so much.

groom and his outfit
Ah, what a good looking man right there! It's not just the looks I remind, it's the full package deal :)

Indian groom close up he puts on the turban
He puts on the turban. Check out what it says on the palm of his hand, yeah, it's his princess' name.

groomsmen with groom individual shots
The bois. Yeah, he has lots of close friends.

groomsmen and groom individual portraits wearing Indian outfits
.... more bois. That one that's like super close is what we call a Bosnian, he comes complete with exceptional sense of humor.

Indian groom on a horse during baraat
Triumphant, kingly, Nikhil.

groom on the horse traveling to the bride
Everyone dances for Baraat. There's always a car with dedicated PA system to make it loud and fun for the crowd.

Groom arrives at ceremony venue and guests and family greet him
We are met with a whole lot of love. Amazing

groom meets brides family at Indian wedding
Mother and Father of the bride greet him and ceremonial coconut is shattered.

family exchanging wreaths at Indian wedding
families exchange ceremonial wreaths.

Indian groom is being carried into the building to a drumbeat
Its shots like this one that get me most excited about what I do. The right time, the right angle. Groom is carried into Landerhaven to a drumbeat.

Indian ceremony site decorations detail shots
Same hall, whole new decor. Very good team of decorators from NJ

wide shot of Indian ceremony site decor
This is where they will travel through.

groom is walked into the ceremony location by his parents all are wearing traditional Indian outfits
The groom is walked by his parents. They hold his arms and express lots of joy and pride in their son.

Bride is brought into the ceremony location in an Indian doli
So, remember how Nikhil got his ride last night? Well, It's Nikita's time, this is an Indian Wedding Doli

Indian bride comes out of her ride to the ceremony
Honestly, I pride myself in shots like the one on the left. It's a split second opportunity and it did not go wasted. Great storytelling of tradition Hindu ceremony.

Indian bride and groom exchanging wreaths at the altar
Finally it's time for bride and groom to exchange the wreaths.

the dots are being painted on peoples foreheads at Indian ceremony
Detailed storytelling is quite essential for Indian weddings. We rarely get this much going on at traditional American wedding.

bride and groom walking in circles under the wedding mandap
We walk in circles a few times... don't laugh, it's important part of the wedding.

bride and groom step on traditional items at Indian wedding
More essential elements as they step on these little nuts with their bare feet.

Indian bride and groom exchange the rings
Now for the American part: the rings.

parents greet bride and groom at the end of ceremony
All the emotions come out as everyone is happy to greet the new husband and wife.

Newlyweds walk out to rose petals
Walking out to rose petals being thrown.

Husband and wife sit on the ceremonial chairs after Hindu ceremony
Back to some traditional shots, did you see the elephant in the background?

group shot of Indian families with their children that just got married
The extended family all together. Love colors.

Individual families of Indian couple in group shots
Some individual family shots to complete the story

groomsmen with groom sit on the concrete sidewalk next to trees.
Sometimes all we gotta do is just assume the yoga poses as we sit by the wall. It's that simple to create this fun shot.

group shot of bridesmaids under a tree, their dresses form a flower
Now for the girls, that's a different story. I climbed a tree to get this shot of bridesmaids in their traditional saree.

A couple by a rushing waterfall
Notice how in this album I made an introduction to every part.

Indian bride and groom by a large stone wall
Chagrin Falls make a beautiful location for some casual shots.

Bride looks at herself in the mirror as she's preparing
Once again we dive into details: how did we get to such beautiful shots by the falls?

bride puts on the bracelets and other jewelry
This girl looks like she's out of a movie, I know, what a lucky guy.

mirror reflection of a man in a tuxedo
This is what confidence looks like in the mirror. It's when even your reflection is not sure it can show your strength.

after adjusting the watch and fixing the pocket square a man looks ready for his wedding reception
We could put that man on the right straight into a Hollywood movie and name him Bond.

close-up shot of Indian bride and groom
This close-up is just amazing

man kissing a woman close up
He kisses her

Indian couple by the bush in a closeup
we find more beautiful elements to put the bride and groom into.

man and woman dancing full height in the square outside
Here I asked the couple to prepare for their first dance. Nice little moment was captured as I peaked through some brush at them.

Wedding hall decorated in light blue
Yet another style of decor. Yep, it's gonna be wild.

wide shot of tables at the wedding reception venue
This is a fisheye shot. it gives almost a 180 degree view corner to corner.

family members walk into the reception hall
Our guest start arriving. We greet them with energy, laughter, and applause.

Man twirling his wife at the wedding reception
This is not the first dance yet, It's a twirl after walking into the reception.
all family members say a toast to the new couple
Everyone gets a kick from the toasts.

bride and groom toast each other
Especially the bride and groom.

wedding cake being cut
That cake looks so amazing.

bride and groom feed each other with the cake
More of an American tradition, bride and groom feed each other the cake

groom dips the bride during first dance
Now the first dance, he dips her masterfully

Indian bride and groom stand on dance floor with arms stretched towards each other
And of course we surprise the crowd with a few Bollywood themed dance moves.

Father daughter dance
Mr Goswami and his daughter

groom dances with his Indian mom
Groom and his mom awe, that kiss.

Indian wedding celebrations
And we dive straight into celebrations.

celebrations at the wedding
I put on a fisheye lens to create some super fun shots here.

groom kisses bride on the cheek while they sit on the ledge by the water
We finish this album with two pages, one of a fun kiss.

Indian bride and groom are backlit by sunlight as they stand in the woods together at sunset.
And a beautiful sunset shot at Chagrin Falls park. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me.


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